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(97 Likes) When men start dating robots openly, will society judge them for it?

If she starts dating robots openly, will society judge them for it?” Society already judges everyone for everything. Society despises people who date escorts, hire prostitutes, and use “real dolls” as Real Doll sex partners. So yes, society will judge them for that. It wasn’t so long ago that guys were dating guys. I’m old enough to remember

(38 Likes) How do I explain to our SEO partner that my site is about sex dolls?

understand. you started i love doll Ebsite about sex dolls but you, what, are you ashamed to talk to someone about them? If you had given a little more, you could probably come up with a better excuse to put your URL in a Quora question.

(44 Likes) Why are sex dolls that look really realistic so expensive?

I’ve been single for years and wouldn’t want my right (or left, idk) hand to be my only friend, I’d buy one. Reasons could be: Always in the mood ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Never leaves me Doesn’t complain or nag (regardless of gender) Doesn’t expect anything in return Doesn’t need emotional attachment As a result, Thirsty As Hell, who doesn’t seek a partner and just wants to satisfy their appetite I think they’re pretty awesome for ™ people.

(45 Likes) Can someone explain inflation to me? Why is there no cap on how much currency represents wealth in a country and is inflation an inevitable consequence of capitalism?

EASY TO UNDERSTAND INFLATION regularly over a period of time… Monetary base x monetary velocity + net borrowing. = current account So, if you print more money or people spend faster or borrow more, prices go up (Assuming stable production/imports) That’s it. …BUT, CHAOS THEORY AND CAPITALISM WOULD BE VERY DIFFICULT TO MANAGE INFLATION While inflation is not necessarily a result of capitalism, volatility/panics do exist. An economy requires the collective adoption of an intersubjective imaginary reality. You have some influence on your health. So do other people – and not everyone is rational – in fact, it might be objected to some of them making really bad choices. (And they affect you too!) The amount of leverage in our banking system, coupled with an unequal distribution of capital activity and occasional shocks to the economy, creates distortions. Misinformation, distrust and fear act like gasoline that explodes the problem disproportionately It’s a “Type 2 Chaotic System”…. That is, not only is the system chaotic, but the system knows it is chaotic, which makes it more chaotic. FEDERAL RESERVE LOW INFLATION TARGETS Strong federally regulated banking protects against irrational panic and is essential to any modern economy. In the US, the Federal Reserve runs our system and has a dual role Lender of last resort Maintaining stability by keeping inflation under control GOLD VALUES A REALLY DIFFICULT REPLACEMENT OF A FEDERAL RESERVE…Most advocates of the Gold Standard lack any real understanding of what they are advocating. HOWEVER, THEY ARE A COUPLE WHO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE SAYING…. I’ve always wondered why you didn’t want all my money directly from me. A Gold Standard basically freezes the economy, offers no chance of recovery, and ensures that the wealthy stay on top and not worry about all the “what works.” GOLD IS A HORRIBLE TRADE. I saw a golden bug among those who answered. 100 years ago, there was still some debate over whether a central bank was needed. People wanted to tie the money supply to something stable to show the world how disciplined they were. It was a show of trust – a really stupid display of trust – however, this trust is just as effective in tying the Money supply to some gold as it is to the cheese supply in my basement. Take a look at a historical price chart for gold sometime and imagine that this kind of volatility is superimposed on a macroeconomics – it would be like trying to drive your car safer by only really driving at its speed…the passenger seat. In the USA, the Tea Party thinks this is a great development. Despite the bizarre conspiracy theories of the apocalypse and tea party candidates, the US banking system has a strong macro-organ.

(77 Likes) I’m 5’2″ tall and 67 kg, female. How many months do I need to lose weight and have a body that’s as hot as a sex toy?

y to lose weight. This is possible. We are not lost. With a little tightness and enough freedom to eat a birthday cake and the occasional meal out with friends, you can lose about 30lbs per year (or 2.5lbs per month). The unhealthy way is keto diets. These are the ones that let you lose 20lbs in two months – but as soon as you let go everything comes back. If you follow these diets for six months or longer, you will start to experience serious health problems. I started getting drowsiness, insomnia, anxiety and so on. I don’t know what else to tell you, high-fat, low-carb diets are dangerous, not a weight loss miracle. The healthy way is whole food, plant based. (90% or more). This includes as much potatoes as you can shake a stick at, rice, corn, beans, lentils, quinoa and whole wheat. Seriously, you have to eat a lot on this diet. The number one reason I recommend calorie counting for whole food plant-based is to make sure you’re physically eating enough. You can speed up weight loss a little bit more if you cut out all fats and oils. There is no health reason to eat fat, it’s just that cooking is fun. In the last 10 months, I have lost 20 kilos this way. I count too few calories, exercise too little, and cheat a lot. I’m lazy about losing weight, what can I say? If you are more disciplined than me, you will lose more with this method. But no matter how lazy I am, I’m losing weight. The 3-year split mindset is very important to lose weight. Doesn’t do short bouts